Urja – Herbal Pest repellent & tonic


Urja is sun dried Urtica Diocia, or stinging nettle leafs, enriched with biodynamic preparation.

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Urja is sun dried Urtica Diocia, or stinging nettle leafs, enriched with biodynamic preparation. It works as pest repellent as well as a plant tonic as it contains iron,

magnesium and calcium for plant nourishment and
formic acid, which works as pest repellent.

ӧ Use as tonic – For one acre of land, mix 200gms of Urja (one packet) in 8/10lts of water and cover the top of the utensil. Strain the solution using cotton cloth after 3/5 days. Mix the strained material in
100/150lts water and spray on the standing crop. Addition of cow urine collected within 7-8 days (250ml per 10lts of ready solution) enhances the results.
ӧ Use as pest repellent – For one acre of land, mix 200gms of Urja (one packet) in
8/10lts of water. Cover the top of the utensil and leave it overnight. Strain the mix and dilute the strained with 90lts of water. Spray the solution at the leafy stage of crop and then spray at regular intervals of 15/20 days till the hardening of grains. Use of Urja along with chemicals reduces its efficacy.


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