BD501- Divya – Plant resistance and structure


BD501 or Divya is biodynamically treated quartz silica. Silica helps build the internal as well as the external structure of the plants.

SKU: BD501 Category:


BD501 or Divya is biodynamically treated quartz silica. Silica helps build the internal as well as the external structure of the plants. Divya also enhances the photosynthetic process and makes the plant more vigorous and resistant of fungal diseases. Divya spray on the crops also encourages optimum development and maturity of
fruit and seeds thereby improving the taste, color, shine and aroma of produce.

Application and Benefits

ӧ For one acre of land, 1gm of Divya is added to 13lts of water. The solution is mixed by making clockwise and anti-clockwise vortex for 25/30 minutes.
ӧ The preparation is made and applied early in the morning for optimum results. ӧ The solution is sprayed (fumigated) using a spray pump. The nozzle, looking
skywards, is kept at a height of 5/6 feet. The solution is pumped at a high pressure
due to which the mixture first moves upwards and then descends of the standing crop like a misty spray.
ӧ The first fumigation of Divya is done at the two leaf stage (19/20 days of
germination) of the crop. The second dose is applied between 35-40 days of crop age i.e. during fruiting stage.
ӧ For optimum results, Divya is applied in the ascending moon period, or the period when the moon is opposite to Saturn.
ӧ Shakti (BD500) & Divya (BD501) are complimentary sprays hence usage of only one of the preparation does not yield desired results.


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